Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C.
Certified Public Accountants and Advisors
Firm Profile

                                                                                   The Firm and Its Objectives

Independence, Integrity, and Objectivity
Personal Management
Acceptance and Continuance of Clients and Engagements
Engagement Performance
Relationships With Clients
Services Provided

Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. is a corporation engaged in the practice of public accounting in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania.

We have as an overriding objective the provision of high quality audit, accounting, tax, and advisory services to clients in the best professional manner. Our shareholders and staff are expected to comply with this statement of philosophy in order to achieve that objective.

Professionalism in the accounting profession means integrity, objectivity, independence where required, adherence to professional standards and applicable laws and regulations, and a demonstrated will to maintain and improve the quality of professional services and to withstand all pressures, competitive and otherwise, to compromise on principles, standards, and quality. In the field of auditing, particularly, professionalism requires an understanding of a dedication to the public interest.

The public interest in audited financial statements has placed the public accounting profession in a unique position of public trust. Moreover, there is also a significant public interest in the way in which the Firm carries out accounting, tax, and advisory services. Therefore, no client or Firm consideration is allowed to interfere with our ability to carry our commitment to professionalism.

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Professional Performance
Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. demands integrity, objectivity, competence, and due care from all of its personnel in the conduct of all of its engagements, whatever their nature. We demand independence in fact and appearance in all audit and other engagements where independence is required by applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of professional societies. We take steps to insure that personnel assigned to engagements, whatever their nature, have the professional and specialized knowledge required to carry out their responsibilities; at the same time, we recognize that supervisors and other reviewers and consultants can complement that knowledge.

Our Firm is structured to provide leadership in achieving high quality professional performance while maintaining the concept of individual responsibility so necessary to clients and to individuals within the Firm. Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. has established policies and procedures that we believe provide assurance that professional engagements are properly planned and executed and that decisions are based on the substance of issues, not on form. Accounting standards cannot deal with all possible situations, and we at all times urge our clients to adopt accounting and reporting policies that we believe are the most appropriate in the circumstances.

Our policies and procedures provide, among other things, for consultation on significant matters, and Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. has designated shareholders of the firm whose opinions are to be sought on significant ethical, technical, and industry questions. The policies and procedures we have established are designed to assure that our clients receive the best professional services we can provide.  We expect our shareholders and staff to identify and resolve all important issues relevant to an engagement.

More specifically, to achieve high quality professional performance, and to comply with the membership requirements of the AICPA Division for CPA Firms, Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. has adopted policies and procedures that implement the quality control standards for the conduct of accounting and auditing engagements established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those policies and procedures relate to the following elements of quality control, among other matters:

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Independence, Integrity, and Objectivity
To be free from financial, business, family, and other relationships involving a client when required. To be honest and candid within the constraints of client confidentiality. To have a state of mind and a quality that lends value to the firm's services and imposes the obligation to be impartial, intellectually honest, and free of conflicts of interest.

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Personnel Management
To hire individuals that posses the appropriate characteristics to enable them to perform competently. To assign work to personnel who possess the technical training and competence required in the circumstances. To provide personnel with the training necessary to fulfill responsibilities assigned and satisfy applicable continuing professional education requirements. To select for advancement those individuals that have the qualifications necessary to fulfill responsibilities involved.

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Acceptance and Continuance of Clients and Engagements
To appropriately consider the risks associated with providing professional services so as to decrease the likelihood of association by the Firm with clients and engagements in which client management lacks integrity. To associate with clients and engagements in which the firm can reasonably expect to complete with professional competence.

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Engagement Performance
To determine that the design and execution of work performed is efficient and in accordance with applicable professional standards. To have personnel refer to authoritative literature or other sources and consults with individuals with the knowledge, technical competency, judgment, and authority, when appropriate.

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To develop a system to evaluate on an ongoing basis whether the other elements of quality control established by the firm are suitably designed and are being effectively applied.

We have also adopted appropriate policies and procedures in the above areas to guide the conduct of tax and advisory services engagements.

The adequacy of the Firm's quality control system for our accounting and auditing practice and our compliance with that system are independently evaluated every three years through a peer review conducted under the auspices of the AICPA Division for CPA Firms. The peer review report is available to our clients and other interested parties.

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Relationships With Clients
The value of our services is, to a large degree, dependent on the public perception of our integrity and objectivity. If the public were to doubt our integrity or objectivity - or our competence or professional care - as a result of our work for a given client, the value of our services to that client, to all other clients, and to the public at large could drop significantly. Accordingly, just as our clients are selective in their choice of CPA firms, Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. is selective in accepting clients. Our responsibilities to existing clients and to the public demand that we consider the appropriateness of client relationships and that we carefully consider the nature of services we are asked to provide and our ability to provide those services in a quality manner in conformity with all relevant professional standards.

When potential clients who disagree with their present auditors on significant auditing, accounting, or reporting questions, request our opinion on the matter, we consult within our Firm and with a potential client's present or predecessor CPA firm before giving our final conclusion on the matter.

We value our reputation for quality services and believe that reputation is the basis on which we attract new clients and build our practice for the future. We are committed to rendering value for our fees and believe our clients should have a reasonable basis for making that judgment for themselves. Accordingly, we carefully evaluate the services we are asked to provide and the factors, such as the nature of control systems and procedures, that will affect the costs we expect to incur in providing such services before we inform present and potential clients of the fees we estimate those services will entail. Once Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. undertakes a client engagement, we bring all the resources to that engagement necessary in the circumstances.

We do not disclose to anyone outside of our firm any confidential client information obtained in the course of any engagement unless the disclosure is authorized by the client or is required to discharge properly our responsibilities under law or authoritative regulatory or professional standards. (Our peer reviewers have access to client information, but they are bound by the same standards of confidentiality.)

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Services Provided
Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. provides a full range of audit, accounting, tax, and advisory services, consistent with ethical and professional standards and regulatory requirements in the United States and with the limitations imposed by our Firm's membership in the AICPA Division for CPA Firms.

The services provided by CPA firms must be responsive to changes in the environment, which is affected by developments in information technology, the increasing complexity of tax laws and regulations, greater demands by the public for new types of information and CPA assurances on such information, the increasing need of many clients for advisory services, and a host of other factors.

If the public accounting profession as a whole, and Strouss Hui Roomberg  P.C. in particular, are to meet the legitimate and changing needs of clients and the public, arbitrary restrictions on the services provided are not appropriate. However, Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C., as a matter of policy, will undertake only engagements that we believe we can perform with competence, that will be useful to our clients or to appropriate third parties, that will not impair our independence in fact or appearance when we also provide audit services to the client involved, and that will help attract and retain the personnel we need to provide the knowledge base essential to maintain our ability to serve our clients and the public in a professional manner. In evaluating proposed engagements, as well as the way we inform clients and others of our capabilities, we consider whether such engagements will lessen public confidence in our independence, integrity, and objectivity in the performance of the audit function or in our commitment to that function.

Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C.
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At Strouss Hui Roomberg P.C. Certified Public Accountants & Advisors we believe in the value of relationships. We view every client relationship like a partnership, and truly believe that our success is a result of your success. We are committed to providing close, personal attention to our clients. We take pride in giving you the assurance that the personal assistance you receive comes from years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen.

We provide a variety of services including:

  • Income Tax Preparation for all types of businesses, and individuals
  • IRS and State Audit Representation
  • Payroll Reporting
  • QuickBooks® setup, support and training
  • Business startup services
  • Monthly bookkeeping
  • Financial statements - making sure your financial records are timely and accurate

Our continual investment of time and resources in professional continuing education, state-of-the-art computer technology and extensive business relationships is indicative of our commitment to excellence.